3 research outputs found


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    O uso de ferramentas de processamento analítico de dados (OLAP) para realização de análises estratégicas de uma organização possibilita que usuários responsáveis pela tomada de decisões possam identificar tendências e padrões, de forma a conduzir melhor o negócio da empresa em que atuam. Entretanto, o desenvolvimento de sistemas de processamento analítico em dados XML nos meios acadêmico e comercial não possui todas as funcionalidades das ferramentas OLAP para dados tradicionais e também não contempla documentos XML interdependentes. Portanto, a necessidade de desenvolver sistemas OLAP para auxiliar nas análises estratégicas dos dados de uma organização, representados no formato XML e interligados por um conjunto de referências, constitui a principal motivação para o desenvolvimento deste trabalho. Atualmente, pesquisas vêm sendo desenvolvidas no contexto acadêmico com o objetivo de realizar processamento analítico em dados representados em XML. No entanto, em razão destas tecnologias terem sido originalmente concebidas para propósitos distintos, esta não é uma tarefa trivial. Para ajudar no desenvolvimento desses sistemas OLAP, neste trabalho são discutidos os desafios que devem ser resolvidas para a realização de um processamento analítico eficiente sobre dados XML e avaliados alguns trabalhos acadêmicos que se propõe a realizar esta tarefa

    XLDM: an xlink-based multidimensional metamodel

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    The growth of data available on the Internet and the improvement of ways to handle them consist of an important issue while designing a data model. In this context, XML provides the necessary formalism to establish a standard to represent and exchange data. Since the technologies of data warehouse are often used for data analysis, it is necessary to define a cube model data to XML. However, data representation in XML may generate syntactic, semantic and structural heterogeneity problems on XML documents, which are not considered by related approaches. To solve these problems, it is required the definition of a data schema. This paper proposes a metamodel to specify XML document cubes, based on relationships between elements and XML documents. This approach solves the XML data heterogeneity problems by taking advantages of data schema definition and relationships defined by XLink. The methodology used provides formal rules to define the concepts proposed. Following this formalism is then instantiated using XML Schema and XLink. It also presents a case study in the medical field and a comparison with XBRL Dimensions and a financial and multidimensional data model which uses XLink

    XLDM: an xlink-based multidimensional metamodel

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    The growth of data available on the Internet and the improvement of ways to handle them consist of an important issue while designing a data model. In this context, XML provides the necessary formalism to establish a standard to represent and exchange data. Since the technologies of data warehouse are often used for data analysis, it is necessary to define a cube model data to XML. However, data representation in XML may generate syntactic, semantic and structural heterogeneity problems on XML documents, which are not considered by related approaches. To solve these problems, it is required the definition of a data schema. This paper proposes a metamodel to specify XML document cubes, based on relationships between elements and XML documents. This approach solves the XML data heterogeneity problems by taking advantages of data schema definition and relationships defined by XLink. The methodology used provides formal rules to define the concepts proposed. Following this formalism is then instantiated using XML Schema and XLink. It also presents a case study in the medical field and a comparison with XBRL Dimensions and a financial and multidimensional data model which uses XLink